Sunday, August 22, 2010 Announces New Business Book Summary Service announces their new business book summary service. Subscribers may now receive free business book summaries in PDF, MP3 audio, HTML, mind map, and Kindle formats weekly., a new website for business book summaries, has announced its latest service to provide free business book summaries in five digital formats. The site’s summaries, which include "Think and Grow Rich" and "Who Moved My Cheese" are now available to subscribers and site visitors in PDF, MP3 audio, HTML, mind map, and e-reader formats, with new editions released weekly.

Each year more than 10,000 business books are published. The average reader, though, reads less than five books of any kind a year. With that many books being published and so few being read by the average person, many of the key concepts and ideas of today's business books are not absorbed, leaving most behind. can offer a solution to busy people who may not have the time to read new business books. Every week, the new website publishes free business book summaries that are available in five digital formats.

When asked about how his company,, can help people with the problems of information overload and finding the time to actually use the concepts in today's business books, creator, Kevin Oefelein said, "We've developed a system for helping people learn new ideas from business books and actually use those ideas to their benefit. Every week we produce detailed and free business book summaries and mind maps to help people save time and find out if a business book is really worth the read."

In addition to publishing business book summaries directly on their website, also provides PDF newsletters to subscribers, containing the current week's summary and links to their summaries in MP3 audio format, as well as summaries formatted specifically for the latest e-readers like the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, Sony Reader, and Apple Ipad.

Commenting on the ability to read his business book summaries on his e-reader, one of's subscribers, Glenn Baron said, "I am always on the go. I like the fact that I have the ability to stay up to date with new business books by uploading it unto my Kindle and carrying it with me wherever I go."

For people that may not have the time to read a brief 20 minute summary, also publishes mind maps of the key concepts of the books they review. These mind maps have branches linking the book's central theme to one key idea per branch, allowing people to absorb the books main concepts in less time than it takes to read a 6-10 page summary.

Currently featured on's web page is a summary of Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich." More summaries are due to come out weekly.

Note: Access new business summaries that will help you save time and learn new business ideas every week by visiting's website at

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stay Up To Date With Free Business Book Summaries

  • Do you want to stay informed with the knowledge of today's top business books, but you feel you don't have the time?
  • Are you worried you're missing out on all their top strategies and ideas?
  • Think your competition is getting ahead by implementing these strategies, while you're not?
  • Are you tired of wasting time and money on business books filled with fluff and unusable ideas?

Now you can stay up to date, save your hard earned cash, and make smart decisions in choosing which business books you buy and read, all while building up your business acumen and getting a head start on your competition. delivers free business book summaries for busy executives and entrepreneurs like you.

Just go to and subscribe to get today's top business books summaries, all 100% free.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The 3 Best Ways to Successfully Deal With Change at Work

As in life, change in the workplace can be something that is very hard to deal with. However, if you are able to anticipate change, adapt quickly, and embrace it, then changes in the workplace can actually be positive and can propel you toward success in business, as well as in life.

The first way to benefit from changes in the workplace is to anticipate these adjustments. Changes frequently occur. It should never be a surprise when they come, whether they are large or small. If you are able to anticipate change and see it coming, you have an immense advantage over the majority of people.

Most people do not like, and even fear change. If you are able to anticipate it, you can excel during a time of change, because you are ready and expectant while most of your coworkers are psychologically dreading it and intentionally keeping it off their radar.

Adjustments happen quickly and frequently, so you should always be alert to the prospect of them happening. If you are able to anticipate change, you won't have to worry about being left behind. Anticipating these variations is just the first step in being able to deal with change and using it to your benefit.

Now that we've discussed the first way to successfully deal with change, let's delve into the different types of changes that occur within an organization. Different types of changes in the workplace can and should be met with a new sense of hope, because they can provide an avenue for you to showcase your many talents.

Adjustments such as management changes, re-organization of a company, or alterations in department or position can and should be viewed as a positive, not a negative.

A change in management can provide you with a positive atmosphere. This type of transition can bring a fresh set of eyes to see what value you bring to the company. Previous management may have overlooked abilities. In this case, change gives you a golden opportunity to show exactly what you can do and where your value lies.

As well, reorganization of your company or transitions to new departments or job titles can also be positive experiences. If this change involves you working on new tasks and interacting with new people, it can provide you a different and sometimes even better way to display your talents. You may even surprise yourself.

In addition to this occurrence, changes in environment oftentimes provide people with new motivation and a zest for life, as long as they are willing to see adjustments as something other than negative. As the song says, "a change will do you good."

This can even be the case when reorganization or a change in department or position means a position of lesser importance or even demotion. If you are able to anticipate the adjustment, and adapt to it, this transition can actually provide you with a platform to further showcase your talents and prove your value to the company.

Many times, people who are re-organized within an organization or even demoted, or given a job or title of lesser authority or importance, are able to overcome this and actually thrive.

While showing they can adapt to change, and proving their value to the company, they can provide themselves a path to reach higher positions. People who are able to demonstrate great value and do an efficient and competent job, many times find themselves at an even higher position than when they began. In such cases, this change gives these people a breath of fresh air and allows them to perform at even higher levels, which are immediately recognizable.

The second way you can use change to your benefit and help it propel your career is to adapt quickly when you see change coming. Just as the person who adapts and uses a change in position to better position themselves for ascension within a company, you can use the method of adapting quickly to change to you benefit.

The sooner you let go of the past, the sooner you can be successful in the future. All top businessmen and women know how to adapt to change. They use it to their benefit because they are able to let go of the past.

By moving quickly, you can be ahead of the curve. And by doing this, you can use change to advance yourself and your career. If you are able to adapt quickly, you can put yourself in a better position than any of your coworkers, who like most people, fear change and do not adapt quickly. Unsuccessful people hold on to the past for dear life and are left behind with the changing tide.

Lastly, the third way to successfully deal with change in the workplace is to embrace the change. As in life, change in the workplace will happen no matter what, regardless of whether you want it to or not. If you embrace it, you will advance yourself above those who do not embrace change, and fear it.

If you are able to realize that new isn't always worse, you can turn what is seen by most to be a negative experience-that of changing-into a positive experience. Things often can and do get better with time and with change. If you see change as a positive experience and actually embrace it, you can turn a negative into a positive.

Using the methods listed here of anticipating change, adapting quickly to it, and embracing change, you can propel and advance your career while the rest of your coworkers who see it in a negative light are left behind. The choice is up to you. As the old saying goes, "the only thing that's constant in life is change," and this goes even more so in the workplace.

Fore more on change in the workplace, as well as free business book summaries, business mind maps, self-help and motivation articles, podcasts, and videos check out our new Squid Page.

About the Author:

Kevin Oefelein is the creator and webmaster of, a site dedicated to providing its visitors with detailed, free business book summaries and reviews. Each week, produces new summaries and reviews for today's top business and self-help books, completely free and downloadable in five digital formats.

Learn how to deal with change and other key concepts and ideas from top business and self-help books, all in less time, by visiting There you can download an expanding collection of free business book summaries that can help you increase your business acumen.